Woodburner Installation in Milverton.
Looking for a Woodburner Installation in Milverton? Look no further!
This Installation of a Charnwood Country 4 log burning stove in Milverton, Somerset went well. Despite the high roof and gusty wind we persevered nonetheless and give it a smoke test at 2pm.
Our customers are very knowledgeable and furthermore, had done their homework. They knew exactly what they wanted as well as the technical side of stove installation. The stove looked great in this period cottage with its brick inset and slate hearth.
Charnwood country 4 log burning stove.
The Charnwood country 4 is a great stove and is very popular. We fit lots of them. Call us for your Woodburner Installation in Milverton. Some of the features that we like are;
1) The Cleanburn airwash system – By carefully directing and controlling air that comes into the stove, amongst other things, this gives great efficiency. When burning, the by-products emitted by the first burn are reignited and burnt again in the fire. This effect of double combustion moreover reduces emissions and ash deposits and delivers even more heat. More heat for less fuel. A double whammy! So you get a cleaner chimney and much cleaner for our environment. In addition to this, the clean-burn air-wash also keeps the glass doors clear, giving you a great view of the fire.
2) Drop down throat. the throat plate can be dropped down, enabling the chimney to be swept through the stove.
3) Defra approved. This means you can burn logs in a smoke control area. The stove is more efficient and will make less smoke. From memory, every Woodburner Installation in Milverton that we have done has been with a Defra approved stove however this is not a requirement.
4) You can buy the country 4 in 8 colour schemes. Despite this however, we have only ever installed black stoves to date.
Log burners and wood burners sales.
In conclusion, if you are looking for something similar to this Woodburner Installation in Milverton, please contact Glowing Stoves.