New log burner regulations?
What are the new log burner regulations? And when will they happen? How will it affect me? Can i still use my existing Log burner, Wood burner or multi fuel stove? Glowing Stoves are often asked these questions. OK lets answer them.
The new log burner regulations will come into force in 2022. Over a million homes in the uk use wood burning stoves. The government are cracking down on the sale of log burners that don’t meet their new environmental standards. This is part of their new clean air strategy.
Clean air strategy.
The Government will ban the sale of new stoves that don’t meet new environmental standards. They will also encourage the sale of cleaner wood and ask those who own older stoves to consider upgrading. This will not be enforced however.
It could also introduce “no-burn notices”. These will give councils the power to block people from using their stoves on days when air quality is particularly low.
The Former Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, said “strong, urgent action” is needed to reduce emissions and improve the air we breath.
“The evidence is clear,” he said. “While air quality has improved significantly in recent years, air pollution continues to shorten lives, harm our children and reduce quality of life.
It is hoped that by 2030 Wood- and coal-burning stoves will account for 8% of particulate matter air pollution. It is now over 30%.
Strategy Key Actions
- Legislate to prohibit the sale of the most polluting fuels
We have already seen the launch of Woodsure’s Ready to Burn scheme which now has a large number of committed suppliers. Moreover HETAS is updating it’s list of Approved smokeless fuels however to meet future legislation requirements.
- Ensure that only the cleanest stoves are available for sale by 2022
HETAS appliance approval is already recognizing appliances that are compliant. By 2022 HETAS will only accept Ecodesign compliant stoves. HETAS also works with the SIA to list Ecodesign Ready Stoves on the website. Yet another reason to use an approved Hetas installer.
- Make changes to existing smoke control legislation to make it easier to enforce
HETAS recognizes however that enforcement can be challenging so any developments made through the Environment Bill will be welcome. Nonetheless, despite this, dealing with polluters is an important step in improving air quality.
- Give new powers to local authorities to take action in areas of high pollution
HETAS is keen to see a uniform approach across the UK to enforcement to avoid confusion, again with a focus on tackling polluters. This will be a great step forward in our opinion.
- Work across government to look at opportunities to align work on air quality, clean growth and fuel poverty in future policy design
In recent years we have seen the important role Defra has had. Likewise organisations such as HETAS, Woodsure, the Stove Industry Alliance and chimney sweeping will work together. It is pleasing to see a joined-up approach taken at government level regarding future policy.
New log burner regulations awareness.
- Develop a dedicated communications campaign targeted at domestic burners, to improve awareness of the environmental impact of their actions
Companies such as Glowing Stoves will offer advice and help to improve awareness. HETAS recognizes the role that companies like ours play in this area. Glowing Stoves will only recommend the most efficient Wood Burning Stoves. Retailers and Chimney sweeps will also advise.
- Work with industry to identify an appropriate test standard for new solid fuels entering the market
Again, both HETAS and Woodsure are playing a key role in these developments. HETAS was recently awarded the Defra contract as the Contractor to provide technical support. This will enable it to meet its legal obligations under the Clean Air Act 1993. For now, ensure you check the HETAS approved fuels list for solid mineral fuels. Check woodsure for woodfuels along with any manufacturer’s instructions regarding advice on what to burn.
What do Glowing Stoves think?
We like the new policy up to a point. The new log burner regulations will help. We care about the environment however and want our planet to be greener. However we also want all other countries to do similar. Despite this we reckon its a good first step. Moreover we want to see more sustainable forests planted. Why can’t it be mandatory that every single town in the uk plant a forest? This will clean the air and produce oxygen. The wood can then be harvested at a later date. Don’t we all love trees, woods and forests? Somewhere to walk your dog. Somewhere to hold hands with your partner. Also a great place to promote wildlife. This surely has to be part of the plan. We at Glowing Stoves love our country and want to make it greener.
Contact Glowing Stoves with your ideas on sustainable forests.
Tell us your thoughts on how to make Britain greener. Does planting woodland make sense? We have way too much farmland under subsidy despite not needing it. Cant we reduce and build some forests? It’s never too late to plant woodlands.