Multifuel stoves and fireplace alterations in Bridgwater, Somerset.
Multifuel stoves are the cheapest form of heating your home. Glowing Stoves in Taunton also sell and install wood burning stoves and log burners. Hetas engineers and Fireplace specialists. Fireplace enlargements and chimney flue lining.
Because of the recent huge price increases in energy, installing a wood burner makes economic sense. Furthermore, more energy prices are coming in the spring. There has never been a better time to have a stove installation. Even if you have no chimney, Glowing Stoves can fit a twin wall chimney system. Because of this, multifuel stoves and log burners can be fitted in many places.
This multi-fuel stove installation is in Bridgwater, Somerset. We knock out the fireplace back to its original opening size. However, it’s a fairly small opening. We raise the height to 900 mm and install a concrete lintel. Once the old brickwork is trimmed, we render the fireplace chamber. The opening size is formed with render beads and we make good the chimney breast with bonding and skim plaster. The stove of choice (Mi-fires Derwent) will be too large width-wise. Because of this, our customer chooses a Mi-Fires Tinderbox Medium Multi fuel stove. Multifuel stoves give you the choice of burning wood or solid fuel.
The Tinderbox Medium Multi fuel stove is a new stove and ticks all the boxes in terms of price, efficiency, and cleanliness. Our customer is a lovely guy and knows what he wants. ( 2 more boxes ticked here!). Because of the narrow width that we achieve, it’s really important to have some height above the stove. This is both for aesthetics, and stove efficiency.
Mi-Fires Tinderbox Medium Multi-fuel stove specifications – installed by Glowing Stoves.
These multifuel stoves are designed and assembled in the UK, helping our economy and creating jobs! Because this is important, especially after covid.
Efficiency – 82.5% A+ Very high.
Carbon emissions – 0.07% Extremely low.
Din Plus Particulates 7 if burning wood. Very low.
Warranty – 10 Years (terms apply)
Ecodesign – Conforms to all new regulations and also means it’s efficient and clean burning.
Distance to combustibles Rear – 250 mm.
Distance to combustibles Sidesr – 400 mm.
Height – 614 mm.
Width – 420 mm.
Depth – 334 mm.
Flue diameter – 125 mm. Great for small chimney stacks.
Comes with a direct air supply as standard. Some companies charge £100 plus for this feature.
Despite the initial installation cost, multifuel stoves will save you money. Energy prices have risen sharply recently. Because of this, a stove gives you that extra source of heating that can cushion this rise.